Qi5 Quantum Scanning

The Body reveals in order of priority for that day what the top stressors are and the top supporters it needs. It brings these up as the body is ready to deal with them. Each scan stands alone based on the state of the body at that moment.
You can compare this to pealing the layers off an onion, but we are pealing layers of toxic information off the body that has caused interference to the body.
We deal with energy fields so when a virus or bacteria or other item comes up it could be actually that item or just the energetic frequency of that item that is causing interference, disrupting the proper function of the body similar to a virus on your computer.
As we balance the body to support resolution of those interferences, the body is able to recapture resources and function more efficiently as it was designed to heal itself.
The Qi5 machine serves as a tool for assessing emotional and spiritual issues through principles that align with the understanding of the body, soul, and spirit as described in the Scriptures. Here’s a biblical perspective on how it functions:

**Body as a Temple**
The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). The Qi5 machine recognizes this by measuring physiological responses, such as heart rate and skin conductance, to discern how our physical state may reflect our emotional and spiritual well-being.
 **The Flow of Life**
Just as the Scriptures speak of the life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit (John 7:38), the Qi5 machine assesses the flow of energy within the body. It identifies blockages that may hinder spiritual vitality and emotional peace, reminding us of the importance of maintaining a healthy connection with God.

 **Emotional Healing**
The Bible reveals that God desires our healing and wholeness (Psalm 147:3). The machine's ability to map emotional states can be seen as a means of uncovering hidden sorrows or burdens, encouraging us to bring our concerns before the Lord in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7).

 **Wisdom and Guidance**
Proverbs 2:6 states that the Lord gives wisdom. The insights gained from the Qi5 machine can guide individuals toward practices like prayer, meditation, and seeking God’s presence, which are essential for emotional and spiritual restoration.

**Holistic Restoration**
The Bible emphasizes the interconnectedness of body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The Qi5 machine complements this understanding by encouraging a holistic approach to health, urging believers to seek balance in all aspects of their lives, grounded in faith and reliance on God's healing power.

In this way, the Qi5 machine can be viewed as a modern tool that aligns with biblical principles, aiding individuals in their journey toward emotional and spiritual wholeness, while emphasizing the importance of a deep and abiding relationship with God.